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Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Containers have become a popular topic in software engineering and DevOps, and many companies are using them to deploy and run their applications. Here are some common interview questions and answers for container-related topics that you may encounter when applying for a role as a container architect or engineer.

What is a container?

A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. Containers provide isolation, meaning that each container runs in its own environment, separate from the host system and other containers.

How do containers achieve isolation?

Containers achieve isolation through a technology called containerization. When a container is created, it is given its own file system, networking, and process space. This allows each container to run as if it were on a separate machine, even though they are all running on the same host.

What is ECS?

ECS (Amazon Elastic Container Service) is a fully managed container orchestration service provided by AWS. It allows you to run, manage, and scale Docker containers on the AWS cloud. ECS makes it easy to run and scale containerized applications, and you don't need to worry about infrastructure management.

How does ECS differ from EKS?

ECS and EKS are both AWS services for managing containers, but they have different use cases. ECS is designed for running containers within a single AWS region, while EKS is designed for running containers in a multi-cluster, multi-region environment. EKS also has more advanced features for scaling and deploying containers, as well as integrating with Kubernetes.

Can I run Windows on ECS?

Yes, you can run Windows containers on ECS using the EC2 launch type. ECS supports both Windows and Linux containers, giving you the flexibility to choose the operating system that best fits your needs.

These are just a few of the questions you may encounter when applying for a role as a container architect or engineer. By preparing for these types of questions, you can demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the field, and increase your chances of landing your next role.

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